Methodism in Eddy County, New Mexico: Engaging with Social and Political Issues

Learn about how the Methodist community in Eddy County, New Mexico is actively involved in addressing social and political issues.

Methodism in Eddy County, New Mexico: Engaging with Social and Political Issues

As a Methodist pastor in Eddy County, New Mexico, I have witnessed firsthand the ways in which the Methodist community engages with social and political issues. Methodism, a branch of Protestant Christianity, has a long history of social activism and political involvement. In Eddy County, this tradition continues as Methodists strive to make a positive impact on their community and the world.

The History of Methodism in Eddy County

The Methodist Church has a strong presence in Eddy County, with several congregations spread throughout the area. The first Methodist church in Eddy County was established in 1883 in the town of Carlsbad.

Since then, Methodism has grown and flourished in the county, with churches in Artesia, Loving, and other towns. Methodism has always been a denomination that values social justice and community service. In the early days of Methodism in Eddy County, churches were often the center of community life. They provided not only spiritual guidance but also education, healthcare, and other social services. As the county grew and changed, so did the role of Methodism. Today, Methodist churches in Eddy County continue to serve their communities through various outreach programs and partnerships with local organizations.

Engaging with Social Issues

One of the core beliefs of Methodism is the idea of social holiness – that is, living out one's faith through acts of love and service to others.

This belief is reflected in the way that Methodists in Eddy County engage with social issues. One of the most pressing social issues facing Eddy County is poverty. According to data from the US Census Bureau, over 20% of the county's population lives below the poverty line. Methodist churches in Eddy County have responded to this issue by providing food pantries, clothing drives, and other forms of assistance to those in need. Another social issue that has been at the forefront of the Methodist community's attention is immigration. Eddy County is home to a large immigrant population, many of whom are undocumented.

Methodist churches have been vocal in their support for immigrant rights and have provided resources and support to immigrant families in the area. Methodists in Eddy County also engage with social issues through advocacy and education. Many churches host events and workshops on topics such as racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmentalism. These efforts aim to raise awareness and promote understanding of these important issues within the community.

Political Involvement

Methodism has a long history of political involvement, dating back to the early days of the denomination. In Eddy County, Methodists continue to be actively engaged in politics at both the local and national levels. One way that Methodists in Eddy County engage with politics is through voting.

Churches often hold voter registration drives and encourage their members to exercise their right to vote. Additionally, many Methodists are involved in local political organizations and campaigns. Methodist churches in Eddy County also advocate for political issues that align with their values. This can take the form of writing letters to elected officials, participating in protests and rallies, or supporting candidates who share their beliefs. One example of this is the Methodist stance on climate change. The United Methodist Church has a long-standing commitment to caring for the environment and has called for action on climate change.

In Eddy County, Methodist churches have been vocal in their support for renewable energy initiatives and have worked with local leaders to promote sustainable practices.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the Methodist community in Eddy County is actively engaged in social and political issues, there are also challenges that they face. One of the biggest challenges is navigating the divide between different political beliefs within the community. Like many parts of the United States, Eddy County is politically diverse, with a mix of conservative and liberal viewpoints. This can sometimes create tension within the Methodist community, as members may have differing opinions on certain issues. However, I have seen firsthand how Methodists in Eddy County are able to come together and find common ground, even when they disagree. Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities for the Methodist community to make a positive impact on social and political issues in Eddy County.

With a strong tradition of social activism and a commitment to living out their faith through service, Methodists are well-equipped to address the challenges facing their community.

In Conclusion

The Methodist community in Eddy County, New Mexico is deeply committed to engaging with social and political issues. Through their actions and advocacy, they strive to make a positive impact on their community and the world. As a pastor, I am proud to be a part of this community and to see the ways in which Methodism continues to be a force for good in Eddy County.

Maxine Whatoname
Maxine Whatoname

Hipster-friendly pop culture scholar. Unapologetic thinker. Freelance tv scholar. Typical twitter buff. General coffee scholar. Music geek.